Monday, November 17, 2008


My name is Patrick McElroy. I have white blond hair and dark blue eyes. I LOVE to play video games on Wii [star wars the whole saga]. I LOVE to listen to music [ipod]. Thank you for visiting my blog.


  1. Patrick,
    Glad I found this blog, and I enjoyed reading about your interests. I thought the way you drew yourself in the portrait made you look almost Jedi-like. Good work! You sound like you enjoy a lot of modern hobbies. Perhaps you'll share some other interesting facts about yourself in future posts? I'll look forward to seeing what else you'll have to write and say.

  2. P.S. Is that "awesome" referring to the way you feel about class mascots?

  3. Thanks for the comments turtur I didn't mean to make myself look like a jedi but i do like star wars(the video game)

    PS.The awesome was actually about me but i think you and you brother mou mou are awesome. tell mou mou to stop fearing mice.

  4. Patrick, thanks for the clarification. I will be glad to tell Mou Mou what you said. He can use the encouragement. He's not my brother, y'know, just my roommate – and also a friend.

    As far as my misunderstanding about the "awesome" goes, I guess it is okay if we all think of ourselves as awesome. (I thank you for your kind words!) But I have a little "friendly blogger-to-blogger" experience to pass along to you, Patrick:

    Once, when I started complimenting my own stuff on my own blog (which I had to give up), some folks had some suggestions that I should leave the praise of myself for others to deliver – though I was perfectly entitled to feel proud of myself in a humble way. I think I learned that from my own Jedi training...

    Anyway, I just sent a note by email to your parents to help explain how to visit the blog from your own computer. Hope you make it here.

  5. Tur Tur thanks for the advice ,I will be more humble in the future,I wonder if i could edit my kid pix file next computer lab.

    P.S I made it to the blog from home!

  6. Hay Pat nice self portrait You really expressed yourself!!!!!! Your photo is pretty SICK!!!@@!@#@##$@$$
